More “Octomom” Fall-Out, should her doctor lose his license?

October 16, 2010 | By:

According to a report in a Los Angeles newspaper today, the Octomom’s doctor is facing a hearing on Monday where he may lose his license.  Personally, I think what he did was malpractice and showed tremendous lack of forethought regarding the impact on this woman’s life and her family.  I don’t know that he could have predicted the societal impact and the repercussion in the reproductive medical industry.  But I wanted to know what you think!

With all the recent emphasis on single embryo transfer, and avoidance of multiple pregnancy (a twin pregnancy is now considered a management failure at some IVF Clinics), should patients in consultation with their doctors be the ones to choose to how many embryos to transfer or should doctors face regulation or possible loss of their medical license for listening to their patient when she asks to have multiple embryos transferred when it might be advisable to limit the number transferred?

Here’s the link to the article for more info:#mce_temp_url#

(in case the link doesn’t work, cut and paste this URL

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