Archive for the ‘Treatment’ Category
NY Times article on premature ovarian failure
January 30, 2010 | By: Elizabeth
So I have only read part of this article. It brought tears to my eyes and as I am mid-struggle with my own quest to have another baby I was too moved to continue reading it. But I immediately recognized that this is an article to share and discuss. What I want to discuss is how the news was imparted to the author . . . and what I felt was wrong with it. Why don’t doctors, even OB/GYN’s and RE’s know how to tell someone they are infertile and why didn’t THIS woman’s doctors know she has many options for having a baby . . . why did she get immediately (and incorrectly) told:
“I’m sorry you can’t have a baby.”
WTF? Read on:
Filed under: Check This Out, Current Affairs, Egg Donation, Thinking Out Loud, Treatment
Tags: New York Times, premature ovarian failure, Turner's Syndrome
I want to have another baby!
March 20, 2006 | By: Elizabeth
And I am back in the beginning. Evaluating the infertility terrain, thinking through my options. I know so much more now than I did way back when . . . before the books, before my law practice . . . but surprisingly the feelings haven’t changed. Maybe there is a little less desperation but not much. That same fear about the “what ifs?” and the “what if it doesn’t work” . . . they still haunt me.
I think a lot of this has been brought on my plans to do the first revised edition of The Infertility Survival Handbook and the thought that going back into treatment for my third and last baby would be an amazing tie-in for the new edition . . . but is that a reason to open up wounds that I had maybe finally started to let scab over? And why am I so hell-bent on treatment for a third baby. Why not adopt again?
And what about the big question . . . why haven’t I made that appointment with Dr. Chung if I am so serious about possibly pursuing having a third child through assisted reproductive technology. I don’t get why I am hesitating so much.
Filed under: Treatment