What Do You Think People Need to Know?

June 21, 2007 | By:

Our office gets lots of phone calls each day from clients and prospective clients who have questions – questions about what to do first, what to do now, what they should have done, and what their best next step would be.  A big part of our practice involves giving advice to prospective parents, egg donors and surrogates on what exactly is involved in the path to family building they are undertaking. And that doesn’t even address the thousands of questions people have about adoption!

So….we’ve decided to make some of the answers to our most frequently asked questions available in an easy to read, readily available format.  We will be making fact sheets of some of those frequently asked questions (“FAQ sheets”), and including our answers, in the hopes that we can share the knowledge and expertise that makes our office so effective in helping to build families through assisted reproduction technologies.

Here’s where you come in – what do you want to know?  What are your questions?  Are you a prospective parent wanting to know exactly what the process of an egg donation cycle entails?  Are you a donor with questions about what is expected from you by intended parents?  Are you someone interested in becoming a gestational carrier, but don’t know how to begin the process?  Are you thinking about adoption but don’t know where to start?  Are you a birth parent and don’t know what’s involved in placing a baby for adoption?

What would you like to know?  What do you think people need to know if you’ve been through the process (and learned valuable lessons that can help others)?

What aspect of assisted reproduction or adoption are you confused about, or don’t know enough about and want to learn more?  We will try to incorporate your questions into our series of FAQ sheets.

Feel free to post here anonymously, or you can email your questions (confidentially) to info@storklawyer.com

Thanks for your help!  We look forward getting your questions!

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