Infertility Treatment and Insurance — Speak Up While You Can!

January 30, 2012 | By:

There is an important deadline tomorrow:

Public commentary (from you!!) is needed to demand that infertility treatment coverage be included as an essential benefit under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  To include your voice and make sure your concerns and needs are addressed contact the Department of Health and Human Services before January 31st, 2012.

The decision to include infertility treatment as a covered essential benefit falls solely in the hands of Kathleen Sebelius, US Secretary of Health and Human Services.  You can email her at

For more information please read–Demanding-Essential-Benefit-Coverage.html?soid=1101342191383&aid=B44Urr44QiU


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  1. Donna B. says:

    My cousin and her husband got their IVF treatment in India through the Forerunners Healthcare in India and is all praise for this company. She is a known case of PCOS. She is a very happy mother of a baby boy now. She just paid 2500 pounds for the full IVF treatment in India for which she was quoted 8000 pounds in private setup in UK.