I have a project and I need your help.

March 25, 2010 | By:

I am finishing up the e-Book on egg donation so it will be ready when the site goes live for my egg donation agency.  However, I have been getting a lot of emails from readers of The Infertility Survival Handbook, thanking me for writing the book (for those of you to whom I have not yet responded, please know how much your emails mean to me and I really, really do appreciate hearing from you).  I believe that nothing is a coincidence (something my BFF and I were arguing about last night, she’s definitely of the mind that I am insane.  LOL!).  And here’s the thing, I’ve got another book drafted, on top of the e-Book series, and it’s called The Stork Lawyer’s Modern Family Building Bible.  But I wonder if it isn’t better just to revise the The Infertility Survival Handbook? I mean, maybe I could it even tie it into my next round (god willing) at trying to add to our family . . . and combine some of what I was going to include in the “Bible” (as we’ve come to call it in the office).  I don’t know what to do.  My hands are full and I have plenty to keep me busy.  Do I start fresh with a new book or do I update and revise a book that so changed my life and seems to have impacted a few others?  Thoughts?

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  1. TE says:

    Liz – on one hand, your Infertility Survival Guide has helped so many people and it is your “brand”. On the other hand, I like the sound of “Modern Family Building Bible”. Family building has a little more positive connotation to it. Why not update the guide and incorporate your new information about stuff like your new egg donor agency?

  2. Harold Ellinger says:

    Wonderful submit. I’m going through a few these troubles.